Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. —Joseph Addison
The First Presbyterian Church of Chili is excited to have a “Little Free Library” that is available for all in our community to use and enjoy. The dedication of this Library took place on August 9, 2020 in memory of a beloved member of our community, Melvin Olver. Mel was a long-time member of the church who served our local community in many ways with his law firm and as Justice for the Town of Chili for 29 years. Mel was also an avid reader.
Little Free Library is a nonprofit whose goal is to inspire a love of reading and a sense of community through the constant exchange of books. “Take a book – Share a book” is their motto. All 50 states of the United States have Little Free Libraries and over 100 countries in the world are served by Little Free Libraries. Our registration to this organization has allowed us to put our library on their world map. To find the First Presbyterian Church of Chili’s Little Free Library, go to the website (, and then click on the world map. Next, simply use our zip code (14624) as a filter to locate our library.
Please come and visit the little library. “Take a book – share a book”.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss
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