“The Many Faces of Truth: An Unbiased View of World Religions”
What: A two-part study series
Where: First Presbyterian Church of Chili
3600 Chili Avenue (Rt.33A)
When: Sunday, October 2,2016 and Sunday, October 30, 2016
What Time: 11:30 AM – 12:45 PM
Study leader: Rev. Sinnathamby Thevanesan will explore a few points about other religions which will, in turn, strengthen our faith and allow us to more comfortably talk to people of varying religions. We will consider what it means to be in conversation and collaboration with those of other faith traditions here in our local context.
(This series is open to the community and there is no charge to attend. Participants can attend either one or both sessions. Call the church office to reserve a seat! 585-889-9896)
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