On Sunday, September 25th, the Harvest Team has planned a Fellowship event luncheon at the Glen Iris Inn in Letchworth Park. Luncheon is scheduled at 1:15 so you should be at the restaurant no later than 1 PM. Be reminded that there is a per car cost of $10.00 to enter Letchworth State Park. You… Read More…
The Many Faces of Truth
“The Many Faces of Truth: An Unbiased View of World Religions” What: A two-part study series Where: First Presbyterian Church of Chili 3600 Chili Avenue (Rt.33A) When: Sunday, October 2,2016 and Sunday, October 30, 2016 What Time: 11:30 AM – 12:45 PM Study leader: Rev. Sinnathamby Thevanesan will explore a few points about other religions… Read More…
Chicken BBQ
MENU: Each delicious meal includes: 1⁄2 chicken, salt potatoes, slaw, roll and cookie DATE: Sunday, April 10, 2016 TIME: 11:00 am until 3:00 p.m. (drive-thru only) COST: $9.00 each meal. Reserve your meal tickets by calling the Church Office (889- 9896) and pick them up at church on the 10th between 11 am and 3… Read More…
Souper Bowl of Caring
“SOUPER” BOWL and SUPER BOWL! In 1990, a Super Bowl Sunday prayer inspired a group of young people to do something more than celebrate a football game. They created the Souper Bowl of Caring, and have mobilized youth across the country to raise more than $50 million for people in need. For more info on… Read More…
Holiday Pies for Habitat Houses
IT TAKES 13,000 PIES TO BUILD A HOUSE! The Harvest Home Coalition is having a pie sale fund raiser to build a Habitat Home in Rochester, NY in 2016. The profit for each pie (~$6) goes toward the materials and construction supervision for this home. Pies are from Kelly’s Farm Market (Hilton, NY) Apple Crumb… Read More…
Annual Fall Supper
Saturday, November 7, 2014 Dining Room Seatings: 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, & 7:00 p.m. Drive Thru Take-Outs: 4:00-7:00 p.m. Menu: (served family style) roast beef mashed potatoes and gravy squash cranberry relish & coleslaw rolls and pickles apple or pumpkin pie beverage Tickets: (Available at the door starting at 2:00 p.m.) Adults: $ 12.00 Children: $… Read More…
Welcome Back Service
Abundant Life In God 10 AM Sunday, September 13, 2015 Welcome Back Service Children’s Church “Dancing to a Different Rhythm with the Lord of the Dance” – Congregational Luncheon and Discussion
Backpack Program for Fall 2015
BACKPACK PROGRAM FOR FALL 2015 The Board of Deacons is collecting school supplies for families in need at Chestnut Ridge School, and we are asking for your help. Thanks to the generosity of our church family, we had great success with this project last year. All those who received backpacks were so appreciate! We now… Read More…
Church Picnic
Sunday, June 21, 2015 Maher Lodge 836 Sanford Road South Churchville, NY 14428 10 AM Church Service Followed by Pot-Luck Lunch
Rummage Sale
Saturday, June 6, 2015 9 AM to 3 PM Proceeds go to a local Habitat Home